Microsoft Dynamics Web site
Content rewrite challenge
The Microsoft Dynamics team needed to rewrite its site content to focus on sales rather than on support. This work was done as the site was being migrated to a new publishing platform. The project had the added challenge of multiple content owners. The product family included several different solutions under one brand, and each solution and solution team had differing goals and priorities.
To migrate the site while reducing and rewriting content, the Resources Online team started with a thorough content inventory of the 400 pages. The content team used Microsoft Dynamics business and audience goals to assess the content. Then, working closely with the website designers, the team developed a plan for the new pages. We developed processes for managing the content project with its multiple stakeholders, many writers and editors, various designers, and multiple producers. Resources Online then managed the project, the Microsoft Dynamics team drafted the new content, and Resources Online’s writing resources conducted developmental edits, copy edits, content management, and production of the pages.
In the end, the Microsoft Dynamics website is much more nimble and only one-fourth of its original size.
- Project management
- Content strategy and management
- Writing
- Copyediting