Microsoft in Education blog


The Microsoft in Education team was charged with using a series of blog posts to show Microsoft’s thought leadership on broader issues of interest to its target audience, particularly on the topic of the digital divide. The goal was to write comprehensive, informative posts that would interest the blog’s key audiences and highlight Microsoft’s participation in the “technology in education” conversation—without focusing directly on Microsoft.


To meet this challenge, Resources Online ghost-wrote three blog posts. We interviewed subject matter experts, conducted independent research on the digital divide, and emulated the official author’s tone and style. Our team artfully and seamlessly wove the Microsoft angle into these compelling posts, which explored the divide, challenges to it, and possible resolutions. They ran in sequence: Five reasons we have yet to close the digital divide, The digital divide under attack, and When the digital divide closes. All three posts met the team’s goals, were well received, and, thanks to headlines and keywords designed for search optimization, enjoyed enhanced visibility.

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  • Writing
  • Copyediting